Sorry Fbook followers of the Purple Crow Lidar
Those who Know the Crow are well aware of the high regard he has for Facebook (not). In fact he spends as little time dealing with it as possible and encourages the entire world to get an account and stop having our social media-ing serving advertisers (find me on @bobsica). Anyhoo and how, it turns out sometime in late October Fbook changed something with posting to pages, so only posts through were making it to Fbook and not via selective tweets. So it goes. Below is a taste of some of what you missed by not following @purplecrowlidar on twitter.Of particular note is the sad news I got yesterday about “austerity” (the newest swear word in the language) mercilessly striking the American Geophysical Union.
The Crow
ps I’m dumping all PCL tweets to Fbook now, if it gets to be TMI I’ll try to resolve this somehow.